Transportation and Infrastructure
SB17-153: Southwest Chief And Front Range Rail Commission Sponsors: Sens. Crowder, Garcia; Rep. Esgar Status: Passed Senate on 2/23/17, passed House on 4/18/17, Signed by the Governor 5/22/17
Concerning establishment of the southwest chief and front range passenger rail commission to oversee the preservation and expansion of Amtrak southwest chief rail service in Colorado and facilitate the development and operation of a front range passenger rail system that provides passenger rail service in and along the Interstate 25 corridor.
SB17-105: Consumer Right to Know Electric Utility Charges Sponsors: Sen. Garcia; Reps. Esgar, Becker K. Status: Passed Senate 2/23/17, Passed House 4/19/17, Signed by the Governor 5/22/17
Concerning consumers’ right to know their electric utility charges by requiring investor-owned electric utilities to provide their customers with a comprehensive breakdown of cost on their monthly bills.
HB17-1012: Pueblo Chile License Plate Sponsors: Rep. Esgar and Sen. Garcia Status: Passed House on 3/01/17, passed the Senate on 4/11/17, Signed by the Governor 4/18/17
Concerning the creation of the Pueblo Chile License Plate.
HB17-1144: Amend Capitol Construction Automatic Funding Mechanism Sponsors: Rep. Esgar, Sen. Baumgardner Status: Passed House on 3/7/17, passed Senate on 3/28/17, Signed by the Governor 4/13/17
Concerning amendments to the automatic cash fund funding mechanism for payment of future costs attributable to certain of the state’s capital assets.
HB17-1317: State Historical Society Authority To Sell Property Sponsors: Reps. Esgar and Hansen; Sens. Kefalas and Baumgardner Status: Passed House 4/26/17, passed Senate 5/5/17, Signed by the Governor 5/22/17
Concerning the authority of the state historical society to dispose of real property located on the former Lowry Air Force base.
SB17-180: Public Utilities Commission Streamlined Enforcements Of Motor Carriers Sponsors: Sens. Cooke; Rep. Esgar Status: Passed Senate on 4/11/17, passed House 5/8/17, Signed by the Governor 6/1/17
Concerning a streamlined approach for the enforcement of regulations governing motor carriers in matters before the public utilities commission.
SB18-184: Permit Short-term Extraction Construction Material Sponsors: Sen. D. Coram, and Reps. H. McKean, D. Esgar Status: Passed Senate 3/14/2018, Passed House 4/3/2018, Signed by the Governor 4/12/2018
Concerning a new permit for the short-term extraction of construction materials.
HB18-1190: Modify Job Creation Main Street Revitalization Act Sponsors: Reps. Esgar, McKean and Sens. Tate, Garcia Status: Passed House on 4/25/2018, Passed Senate on 5/4/2018, Signed by the Governor 5/30/2018
Concerning modifications to the “Colorado Job Creation and Main Street Revitalization Act”.
HB18-1371: Capital Construction Budget Items Sponsors: Reps. Esgar, Becker and Sens. Kefalas, Baumgardner Status: Passed House on 4/18/2018, Passed Senate on 4/26/2018, Signed by the Governor 5/29/2018
Concerning capital construction budget items, and, in connection therewith, codifying the three-year period that capital construction budget items remain available and clarifying the deadlines for the submission of capital construction budget requests, budget request amendments, and budget request amendments that are related to a request for a supplemental appropriation.
HB18-1372: Exempt Fund from Capital Construction Funding Mechanism Sponsors: Reps. Esgar, Becker and Sen. Kefalas Status: Passed House on 4/18/2018, Passed Senate on 4/26/2018, Signed by the Governor 5/29/2018
Concerning an exemption of the regional center depreciation account in the capital construction fund from the definition of cash fund for purposes of the requirements under the automatic cash fund funding mechanism for payment of future costs attributable to certain of the state’s capital assets.
HB18-1374: Controlled Maintenance Financed Acquired Prop Sponsors: Reps. Hansen, Esgar and Sens. Kefalas, Baumgardner Status: Passed House on 4/20/2018, Passed Senate on 4/26/2018, Signed by the Governor 5/24/2018
Concerning controlled maintenance needs of real property acquired through a lease-purchase agreement.
SB18-208: Create Governor’s Mansion Maintenance Fund Sponsors: Sens. Baumgardner, Kefalas and Reps. Esgar, Hansen Status: Passed Senate on 4/5/2018, Passed House 4/26/2018, Signed by the Governor 5/29/2018
Concerning the creation of the governor’s mansion maintenance fund.
SB18-232: Calculation for Art in Public Places Requirement Sponsors: Sens. Sonnenberg, Kefalas and Reps. Esgar, Hansen Status: Passed Senate on 4/17/2018, Passed House 5/1/2018, Signed by the Governor 5/30/2018
Concerning a clarification of the calculation used to determine the amount of money that must be spent to acquire works of art for capital construction projects that are the subject of a lease-purchase agreement.
HB19-1034: Minimum Two-Person Crew on Freight Trains Sponsors: Reps. Esgar, Sullivan and Sen. Danielson Status: Passed House on 2/5/2019, Passed Senate on 2/25/2019, Signed by the Governor 3/21/2019
Concerning a requirement that a common carrier engaged in the transportation of property by railroad have at least two crew members aboard a freight train while the freight train is moving.
HB19-1265: Right-of-way for Snowplows in Echelon Formation Sponsors: Reps. Esgar, Soper and Sens. Rankin, Winter Status: Passed House on 4/16/2019, Passed Senate on 4/27/2019, Signed by the Governor 5/17/2019
Concerning the penalty for a person who passes a snowplow that is performing its service function in echelon formation with at least one other snowplow, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.
SB20-025: Conservancy District Boards Art and Beautification Projects Sponsors: Sen. L. Garcia and Reps. B. Buentello, D. Esgar Status: Passed Senate 1/29/2020, Passed House 3/2/2020, Signed by the Governor 3/11/2020
Concerning authorization of the board of directors of a conservancy district to participate in certain projects within the district, and, in connection therewith, authorizing such a board to consider such participation a current expense of the district.
HB20-1398: Modify Automatic Funding Mechanism For Capital Construction Sponsors: Reps. D. Esgar, J. McCluskie, and Sen. B. Rankin Status: Passed House 6/3/2020, Passed Senate 6/6/2020, Signed by the Governor 6/29/2020
Concerning modifications to the automatic cash fund funding mechanism for payment of future costs attributable to the state’s capital assets, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.
HB20-1377: Fund Controlled Maintenance Projects Sponsors: Reps. D. Esgar, J. McCluskie, and Sens. R. Zenzinger, B. Rankin Status: Passed House 6/3/2020, Passed Senate 6/6/2020, Signed by the Governor 6/30/2020
Concerning a requirement that a portion of the proceeds of the Senate Bill 17-267 lease-purchase agreement that will be executed in state fiscal year 2019-20 be credited to the capital construction fund and appropriated only for controlled maintenance projects, including controlled maintenance projects that are capital renewal projects.
HB20-1376: Modify Transportation Funding Mechanisms Sponsors: Reps. D. Esgar, J. McCluskie, and Sens. R. Zenzinger, B. Rankin Status: Passed House 6/5/2020, Passed Senate 6/10/2020, Signed by the Governor 6/30/2020
Concerning the modification of transportation funding mechanisms, and, in connection therewith, delaying from the November 2020 general election until the November 2021 statewide election the requirement that a ballot issue seeking approval for the issuance of transportation revenue anticipation notes be submitted to the voters of the state, amending the ballot issue to reduce the amount of notes authorized to be issued, eliminating specified scheduled general fund transfers to the state highway fund, reducing the amount of general fund money dedicated to make lease-purchase agreement payments due during state fiscal years 2020-21 and 2021-22, repealing department of transportation rule-making and reporting requirements relating to motor vehicles used for certain types of commercial purposes, and making and reducing appropriations.
HB20-1027: Colorado State Patrol Port Of Entry Direct Traffic Sponsors: Reps. M. Catlin, D. Esgar, and Sens. J. Cooke, R. Fields Status: Passed House 2/12/2020, Passed Senate 3/2/2020, Signed by the Governor 3/20/2020
Concerning authorizing Colorado state patrol port of entry officers to direct traffic.
SB21-004: Jurisdiction Over Pueblo Chemical Depot Sponsors: Reps. D. Esgar, S. Luck, and Sens. L. Garcia, C. Simpson Status: Passed Senate 3/1/2021, Passed House 4/9/2021, Signed by the Governor 4/20/2021
Concerning concurrent legislative jurisdiction over real property constituting the United States Army Pueblo chemical depot.
SB21-238: Create Front Range Passenger Rail District Sponsors: Reps. D. Esgar, M. Gray, and Sens. L. Garcia, R. Zenzinger Status: Passed Senate 5/13/2021, Passed House 6/3/2021, Signed by the Governor 6/30/2021
Concerning the front range passenger rail district, and, in connection therewith, creating the district for the purpose of planning, designing, developing, financing, constructing, operating, and maintaining a passenger rail system, specifying the territory, governing structure, powers, and duties of the district, and reducing an appropriation.
HB21-1219: Nurses Special License Plate Sponsors: Reps. D. Esgar, K. Mullica, and Sens. D. Moreno, J. Buckner Status: Passed House 4/21/2021, Passed Senate 5/19/2021, Signed by the Governor 6/18/2021
Concerning a special license plate to recognize nurses in Colorado, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.
SB22-134: State Fair Master Plan Funding Sponsors: Reps. D. Esgar and Sens. N. Hinrichsen, D. Coram Status: Signed by the Governor 5/27/2022
Concerning a general fund transfer to the Colorado state fair authority cash fund to partly fund the implementation of the 2021 Colorado state fair master plan, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.