Environment, Natural Resources, & Energy
HB16-1005: Residential Precipitation Collection Sponsors: Reps. Esgar, Danielson and Sen. Merrifield Status: Passed House on 3/1/2016, Passed Senate on 4/1/2016, Signed by the Governor 5/12/2016
Concerning the use of rain barrels to collect precipitation from a residential rooftop for nonpotable outdoor uses.
SB16-068: Hunter Safety Pink Sponsors: Sen. Donovan and Reps. Esgar, Willett Status: Passed Senate 2/10/2016, Passed House 3/22/2016, Signed by the Governor 4/12/2016
Concerning wearing fluorescent pink garments to hunt big game.
SB17-202: Species Conservation Trust Fund Projects Sponsors: Sen. Coram; Rep. Esgar Status: passed Senate 4/12/17, passed House 5/1/17, Signed by the Governor 6/2/17
Concerning measures to conserve native species in Colorado, and, in connection therewith, making appropriations from the species conservation trust fund for purposes recommended by the department of natural resources.
HB18-1008: Mussel-free Colorado Act Sponsors: Reps. Esgar, Arndt and Sens. Donovan, Coram Status: Passed House on 2/27/2018, Passed Senate on 4/3/2018, Signed by the Governor 4/23/2018
Concerning the financing of the division of parks and wildlife’s aquatic nuisance species program, and, in connection therewith, creating an aquatic nuisance species stamp for the operation of motorboats and sailboats in waters of the state, increasing penalties related to the introduction of aquatic nuisance species into the waters of the state, and combining two separate funds related to the aquatic nuisance species program into one fund.
SB18-038: Reclaimed Water Use on Industrial Hemp Sponsors: Sens. Donovan, Coram and Reps. Esgar, Willett Status: Passed Senate on 4/12/2018, Passed House 5/3/2018, Signed by the Governor 6/6/2018
Concerning the allowable uses of reclaimed domestic wastewater, and, in connection therewith, allowing reclaimed domestic wastewater to be used for industrial hemp cultivation and making an appropriation.
SB20-003: State Parks Improvement Appropriation Sponsors: Sens. L. Garcia, D. Hisey, and Reps. D. Esgar, P. Will Status: Passed Senate 2/28/2020, Passed House 6/12/2020, Signed by the Governor 6/29/2020
Concerning improvements to state parks, and, in connection therewith, making and reducing an appropriation.
HB20-1374: Repeal Waste Grease Program Sponsors: Reps. D. Esgar, K. Ransom, and Sens. R. Zenzinger, B. Rankin Status: Passed House 6/3/2020, Passed Senate 6/5/2020, Signed by the Governor 6/29/2020
Concerning the repeal of the waste grease program, and, in connection therewith, reducing an appropriation.
HB20-1372: Operational Fund Mined Land Reclamation Repeal Sponsors: Reps. D. Esgar, J. McCluskie, and Sen. B. Rankin Status: Passed House 6/3/2020, Passed Senate 6/6/2020, Signed by the Governor 6/29/2020
Concerning the repeal of provisions relating to mind land reclamation.
HB21-1226: More Robust Check Station Aquatic Nuisance Species Sponsors: Reps. D. Esgar, P. Will, and Sens. D. Coram, K. Donovan Status: Passed House 4/19/2021, Passed Senate 5/5/2021, Signed by the Governor 5/20/2021
Concerning additional measures to control aquatic nuisance species, and, in connection therewith, prohibiting a person from refusing to stop at a check station and directing division of parks and wildlife to report to the general assembly regarding implementation of the act.